Macmillan school Atlas For Southern Africa
Publisher | Macmillan Education Eswatini |
Print Price | E 338.95 |
Print ISBN | 9781852220280 |
The Macmillan School Atlas for Southern Africa was produced to aid the learning and teaching of Geography in Southern Africa. While the focus is predominantly on Junior Secondary School pupils, those at middle and upper secondary levels will find the atlas handy, as a reference. All the geographical
The atlas gives detailed geographical coverage of the LNSZ countries. It then gives descriptions of SADC as a regional grouping before moving to Africa, and the world at large.While it may be used as a teaching/learning tool, this atlas is also vital as a revision book. The atlas has the following features and benefits: .The language is simple and clear. . Complex geographical concepts are simplified. .The geographical data are current. The data depict environmental and topical issues, economic factors, social development and interdependence. .There is a proliferation of maps, diagrams and photographs.